Roland deWolfe and Josh Gould Les Ambassadeurs Poker-Collusion Cheating Case

For those of you who have read about the case, in which Dubai-based investment banker Iraj Parzivi is suing London´s Les Ambassadeurs Casino for 10 million pounds, or around $US 16 million, claiming the casino allowed him to be cheated by a poker-collusion cheating ring headed by professional poker players Roland deWolfe and Josh Gould, the only info I can give you now is that the case is in the UK court system, and hopefully the truth will come out, which I strongly believe is that deWolfe and Gould did infact cheat Mr.Parvizi by working a collusion scam against him.

I have seen the CCTV footage of every hand that occured over an eight-hour session, thus my findings are based solely on what I saw on the video. I cannot give you any specifics of how the poker collusion went down because the case has not been resolved in court.

One thing I will tell you, though, is that I am not the only witness who has testified in Mr. Parvizi´s favor. Another player in the same game has expressed his suspicions about the poker-collusion
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